What are the Advantages of Outsourcing Recruitment ?

Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) is a business model where a company transfers the management of the recruitment process to a third-party expert. Advantages of Outsourcing Recruitment : It helps to drive cost, quality, efficiency, service, and scalability benefits. Every day a position remains unfilled bears costs to a company. Filling vacancies fast is better for productivity and reduces the number of resources spent on sourcing candidates.RPO provider can provide its own service or may assume the company's staff, technology, methodologies, and reporting. But before hiring any RPO Provider to beware of what you get.Nowadays RPO is being adopted by almost every type of business organization and is gaining ground beyond the United States. With its great potential RPO is gaining attraction among companies and there is a lot of noise in the RPO marketplace. The industry is attracting many companies into the marketplace including recruiters who want to get into the...